Anyway, Friday, we had a guest teacher named Kari-Anne Toth, and she gave us 2 options. Either we could do self portrets, or we could do a fashion shoot. With 18 girls in the class, no question, we did the fashion shoot! The students switched on being models, stylists and working behind the camera. It was so much fun!!!!! Got some really good shots too, I will put them on flickr, and on the blog when I have done some editing. Now I have to get some breakfast, ttyl!!!!
søndag 31. oktober 2010
I'm off to India!!!!
Today, we're leaving!!!!! It's so weird how fast the weeks has been moving!!!! I remember it like it was yesterday that we were just talking about India, and now it's actually happening! We're leaving around 5pm, taking the bus to Oslo. Yes, you read right, the bus, I'm guessing it will be very interesting. Tomorrow morning, we are flying from Oslo to London, and then we have to wait at Heathrow airport for like, 5 hours. I am guessing Starbucks will be very well used, I think that's the only place I actually like coffee...
onsdag 27. oktober 2010
yoga and other things
I'm back at Sund now, and it feels really good being here again! In 5 days, on Sunday, we leave for India, so the whole week is being spent planning for the trip, that's why there are no new photos this week. I'm not sure how much blogging I will do for the next 3 weeks, we'll see, but I will update when I can.
We're leaving on Sunday afternoon, taking the bus from Sund to the airport in Oslo, which means 8 hours on a full bus, but the spirits are up, and I'm sure it will be an amazing trip! Anyway, we are spending the night at the airport in Oslo, and then flying to London early Monday morning. We have to wait in London for about 5 hours, before we fly to Bangalore around 2pm.
Back to the headline....Every morning this week, we have yoga, as a preparation for India, also to get into a zen mode, as my teacher would say...yesterday(tuesday) I was wearing my Odd Molly dress, along with a pair of wool panty hose. As we were getting into one of the positions, I heard a sound, and then I felt a slight breeze, and then the girl behind me whispered in my ear: 'you have a huge hull in your panty hose', and when I went to the bathroom to check, they had ripped all the way down, from the top of my ass....couldn't stop laughing....
Other stuff, well....I have a lot on my mind these days, not sure if I want to share it here, we'll see. ttyl
PS: song of the day, is the ultimate training song! I use it every time....
lørdag 23. oktober 2010
Okay, I figured I should give a sign of being alive by now, sorry....
At the moment, I am back in Asker on vacation. I have been here for about a week now, arriving eeeeaaaaarly Saturday morning last week! About a month ago, a friend and I figured out we would take the night train from Trondheim to Oslo, this I am NEVER doing again!!!!!
I left Sund around 3.30pm Friday afternoon. A lot of people had left already, but there were some still left, who weren't leaving until Saturday morning or late Friday night When the taxi pulled out , the students who hadn't left yet, stood by the road, waving, and as we drove by, they did 'the wave'! This almost made me cry, because a lot of these people I won't see until after christmas, as a lot of them leaves for class trips this weekend, and won't be back until mid december or after christmas. Anyway, I arrived in Trondheim around 5.30pm, but since my train to Oslo wasn't leaving until 11pm, I had a couple of very fun hours, playing tourist in Trondheim. Never having been there before, I just walked around, taking pictures, before I met my friend Ingelin for dinner at Peppes.
As I wrote eralier, we left Trondheim at 11pm, and after a 8 hour train ride, with a total of 2 hours sleep, you can pretty much say that I was a wreck, but after some breakfast and a very hot, long shower, I was good for a few hours....During this week, I've been doing a photography job for the local theatre group, spending 4 days watching them rehearse for a production they are putting on tomorrow. This job started early August really, when a very close friend of mine called. She's an acter, and I've been working with her on and off for a couple of years. She told me that she was directing a play that would premiere in the middle of October, and she asked me if I wanted to document the process and the premiere. I documented for about 4 days in August, and I came back for the vacation week to do the rest. I really love doing it, I have had so much fun, and I've met some really amazing people! I am so happy I got the chance to do it, and I also met a very special someone during this job....
During the rest of my vacation, it has been a lot of family visits, as well as a trip to Sandefjord, and spending time with a special someone. It has been a very nice weekend, but I don't know why I call it a vacation, because having moved out, I have experienced that coming home means that I have to plan visits to EVERY family's fun though.
One of the things I have discovered this week, is that during the last couple of months, I have become a real camera nazi. The camera has been with me almost every day, almost everywhere, and I suspect that it will be even worse when I return from 3 weeks in India. India, 9 days we're leaving! It's so weird, the last couple of months has gone by so fast!!!!!I don't think it has hit me yet, most likely it will when we land in Bangalore....Packing is another thing. Several things are coming with me when I go back to school now, but there is so much to keep track on!!! We'll see how it goes. Now, I'm headed to Oslo to get battery and memory card for my camera...ttyl. I am also posting some fall picture this time...
torsdag 14. oktober 2010
As I said on Monday, the assignment for this week, was labeled 'colors'. I loved it! It was so much fun, just walking while photographing, and I got some really cool photos doing this assignment! The photos I'm posting here, are the ones I turned in today.
Today, is also a very heavy day for me. It's the birthday of a person that is very special to me, and I miss him like you wouldn't believe. I have gone around all day, feeling sad, but it wasn't until my teacher asked me what was wrong, that I started crying. But it was good to get it out, I think I needed it. I've cried a bit on and off for about an hour, and now I'm going out to get some fresh air, cya.
Song of the day: Peter Gabriel - Red Rain
mandag 11. oktober 2010

Hey guys!
Last week before the vacation! It feels really weird going back to Asker on Friday night....The weeks here are moving SO fast, and I have a feeling that a whole week at home, will feel really long! Even if, it will be nice to spend a few days at home, and on Sunday I get to see a very special friend! Can't wait, it's been 2 months since last time!
Today, we were given the last assignment before we leave for India! It's 3 weeks left until we go, can't wait! We have through this week, then we go home for vacation, and then we have a week, planning for India. We are going by bus, to Gardemoen, then spending the night there, before the plain leaves at 07.30am Monday morning. I'm back on the 21st of November, and I suspect it will be 3 weeks with almost no blogging, we'll see. Anyway, the assignment for the week is 'colors'! It's the perfect time of the year, thinking of all nature changing, and I REFUSE to stay inside because of rain! The first thing I did when we were given the assignment, was checking the weather, and it looks okay. Not perfect, but okay. I will post pictures on Thursday, when I have turned them in.
The pool was opened last week, and so far I've trained 4 times already! Can't say how good it feels being in the water again! I feel like I've really used the muscles for the first time in a looooong while! Every Monday, we have something called 'min time'. During the year, all of the students are going to talk for like 20min about something he/she is interested in. Today, it was my turn. Took a while to figure out, but I chose to talk about Peter Gabriel, my favorite musician over many years! I swear, I have never been this nervous before, I was standing in front of the rest of the school, and I thought I was going to throw up! I went allright though, it usually does, so I don't know why I get so scared every time....
I'm going to go look through some photos I took today, cya!
Song of the day: Axis of Awesome - Four Chord song
søndag 3. oktober 2010
Best weekend ever!

Took me thursday night and a small break down, to get back on track. After showing my pictures, which I thought was really bad, on Thursday, I went to the gym, training out all my anger and frustration, and then I went to get some paper and colors, and I just drew. It was nice actually.
Friday, we worked on a project, I will reveal the theme of the project and the result next week I think, or when we're done with it, pictures are coming!
Saturday, we had something called a boy/girl-party. It's a tradition here, the boys and the girls each get a paper sheet, it either says 'day' or 'night', and the girls plan a program for the boys, and vise versa. This year, the girls were responsible for the evening, and the boys were responsible for the day. Of course, the plans are top secret, we didn't get to know anything! Saturday morning, visitors came to our rooms, bringing fruit and chocolate. We were told to be ready at 09.30am, in the gym, and 2 of the guys taught us yoga! When we got back to the dining room, the tables were set, with candles and everything! The boys were our waiters, and we could just ask them anything! Afterwards, we were divided into 3 groups, my group first got to make a catapult and try to shoot a football as close to the school as possible. Then we were shown to the photography classroom, and we were shown baby pictures of all the boys, and we had to guess which was which. We also got to dress up the boys, do their hair, make-up etc and take pictures! After Lunch, we had spa by the pool, all the girls got massages from the boys. they had also made a movie for us, which we got to see in the auditorium. 5 of the from the jazz class had also made a boy band, and they held a live concert, playing 90s hits like backstreet boys, A1 etc....all in all the day was AWESOME!!!!!
The girls planned an evening with the theme '1950s italian mafia'. The boys were told to wear black suits, and all the girls wore dark dresses. We placed all the students in different familys, with 1 family in each table, served a 3 course italian dinner and had competitions to announce the mafia boss. We ended the night with a son that we had written for the boys, along with dancing, and several games of pool, poker etc...
Of course, today, everyone is extremely tired, so it has been a very slow day. I had to be in the kitchen at 09.30 this morning, and I almost fell a sleep over my breakfast. Didn't really do much, except for putting on laundry....It hasn't been so bad working in the kitchen this week, really, it's just that we miss out on so much while doing it, and we always have to be on time.
Tomorrow we start working on photoshop, can't wait! Going off to bed now, ttyl!
Song of the day: Taylor Swift - Love Story
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