Came back quite late yesterday evening, and finished editing around 3am , jeez. 2 weeks of photographing is now finished, and I think the result turned out quite well actually, if I say so myself, we'll see what kind of feedback the pics get, I'll post them when I have turned them in.
mandag 28. februar 2011
mandag 21. februar 2011
Winter Wonderland
Been home for 3 days now, Hallenskog looks like a fairytale, at least when the weather is nice! Hopefully, I will get to do some photographing while the sun still is out, or maybe the weather will stay like this for a couple of days, so that it's possible to go ice skating....
Plan for today, is work, work and more work, as well as a trip to my eye doctor, been almost 2 years, so guess it's about time, this will be interesting.
Destination bathroom, ttyl
Song of the day: Rab de Bana di Jodi( addicted to Indian music since November)
lørdag 19. februar 2011
Snow, snow and more snow
Came back from Berlin late last night, I have never seen this much snow, ever! It's crazy!
Anyway, now the work starts. Haven't done any photoshop yet, which means several long nights, but practice makes perfect, isn't that what they say?
Anyway, the result of this trip is about 800 photos, now the job starts, selecting them. This will be interesting. Also found room for a little bit of shopping, and of course, I ended up with a pair of shoes, I never learn....
mandag 14. februar 2011
Soory, no time for writing lately....
I'm in Berlin this week, doing a photography project. Will be interesting to see the result, but I won't post it until I've delivered the project, in the beginning of march...
lørdag 12. februar 2011
fredag 11. februar 2011
Oslo - Rainforest - airport - Berlin
I'm back home for a few weeks, doing a photography project as well as my winter vacation, so s
søndag 6. februar 2011

Last week, I had a conversation with my teacher, about schools for next year, showing her pics, and how things are here in general. She told me, and this she has said several times earlier this year, that I am stressing too much. The thing is, especially when I'm in the studio, I get nervous when she asks me to set the lights, and if I can't get it right, I get a little irritated with myself, as well as stressing, thinking that "I should be able to do this". Annoying, but trying to get over it.
Anyway, most of the students has left for their pracsis period, so we are about 15 students at school this weekend. It's really weird being so quiet here, but kind of nice as well. It's been snowing/raining outside for 3 days, you're kind of getting the feeling of being at the hotel in the movie "the Shining":-) Leaving on Wednesday morning, for oslo, and then to Berlin on Friday. Getting a bit nervous about presenting my project when I get back after vacation, just have to remember to breathe....
Off to play monopoly now, today has been a very lazy sunday:-)ttyl
torsdag 3. februar 2011
History and surrealism
This week we've worked on the history of photography, combined with something that Janne calls 'photography marathon', which means that we get a new assignment every day. This week we had 2 assignments, one where we either could take a portrait inspired by the 1800s, with the shutter on minimum 30 seconds, which, if you've done photography with a digital camera, you know this is a really long time...the other one was that we should let us inspire by Julia Margaret Cameron, a really well known photographer from the 1860s. The other assignment was a series of 1-3 photos with the key word 'surrealism'. I had a really good time taking them, using Amanda as a model, it was a lot of fun!
Today, I talked to Janne, showing her photos for a portfolio, discussing schools for next year etc. I found it very useful, it was nice getting feedback, also got an "assignment", work in the studio! Next week we start our pracsis period, and since I'm staying here until Wednesday morning, I am spending at least 1 hour every day trying to learn how to fix the li
ght in the studio. We'll see how it goes. Going to bed now, ttyl
Song of the day: Owl City - fireflies

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