The easter vacation was spent in Oslo, with 21 degrees, wearing shorts and t-shirts, I actually came back with a bit of a tan, believe it or not. Spent the week with friends of mine, taking photos, or simply just relaxing, it was nice! My uncle came home from Canada as well, hadn't seen him for a year
onsdag 27. april 2011
for the last time
I'm back after easter vacation, and I only have a few weeks left here, it's so weird! Spring is coming, every day it gets warmer, and the weather is actually nice these days, no rain.
torsdag 7. april 2011
Technology crap, update and exhibitions
Lots of things happening these days. 2 weeks ago we had an assignment in "fine art photography". We had 2 weeks to do this assignment, and due to the weather, I went from plan A to plan C. Quite happy with the result though, using flowers as a theme. The same week we had a guest teacher from a photography school in Trondheim. He told us to take a photo at a new location, using a new model. I chose to take the picture in the attic, using only the flash light on my phone.
Last week, we had our first exhibition, each of the students had 2 photos in it. Lots of fun! On monday, we're showing 2 photos each from India, as well as a project that we're doing with the jazz class this week, can't wait!
Noticing more and more that there's not much time left here. I've applied for "bisse" next year, Means staying here, working for a year. Having my interview on Monday afternoon. Am a little nervous, but I want this more than I've wanted anything else, and I really hope it goes through. Will know by the end of next week. Have also applied for an exchange program in India through Sund, and I got in! Can't believe it!
Logging off now, ttyl
Song of the day: Herborg Kråkevik - Den fyrste Song

"Look Closer"
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