Originally, we were supposed to go from Kerala to Bangalore, and to Hoskote the same day, where we were going to spend 2 days with a host family, but because we came back from Kerala one day later, we got 2 days free, and 1 night with our host family. Hoskote is a gathering of smaller villages, about 2 hours from Bangalore. These villages has been with the organization CSA(Center for Social Action, they were our hosts in Bangalore) for several years, and students from the photography class has been staying here for about 3 years. The teachers stayed in the main camp, while the students were spread out in 3 different villages, in groups of 2 and 3. I think staying with the host family is the most absurd thing I have done my entire life. You can say that we were put on exhibition for 24 hours. Being blond there, was like being a goddess, it's really weird. while the whole neighbour hood was in the door, watching, we were dressed in saries, they also did our hair, our nails, and decorated our hands with henna. Around 07.30pm, they started makinbg the bed for us in the living room, and we thought 'okey, they are going to bed now, I guess we'll play cards or talk or something else', but no. While, again, everyone in the village was watching in the door, and the rest of the family was watching tv( no matter how pore a family is, they have a tv), we were put to bed at 07.30pm. The rest of the family were up untill around 9.30pm, and we slept in the same room as 9 other people, and the cow!!! I think it must have been at least 30 degrees in the room, not to mention all the bugs. I didn't sleep much, but woke up around 11pm, feeling something crawling on my leg. I figured 'I must be dreaming, this can't be real, but I'll check anyway', and it was a bug the size of my thumb, crawlig on my knee. Being really scared of bugs, I actually managed not to scream, but I didn't close my eyes for the rest of the night. We left the camp around 3pm the day after, and on our way back to the main camp, we had to sit in the back of a truck, I don t think I have ever been this car sick in my entire life, and there was still 2 hour ride back to Bangalore.
The last week in Bangalore were spent with 4 students that were at Sund last year, as well as several volunteers from the CSA. They were so amazing, and it was so much fun getting to know them! I only wish that we had gotten to know them earlier in the trip, I an going to miss them so much!
A bit more general about India, the traffic is the most insane thing I have ever seen! It's a regular road, with room for 2 cars, and most of the time there are 6 cars driving beside each other. They all drive in different speed and direction! Janne, our teacher told us that 'the only time I worry about you, is when you're going to cross the roads, try not to!!' Everytime you are going to cross a road in India, just pray for your life and run! The taxies, also called 'rikshaws', are hysterical!!! It's like a 3 wheel motorized vehicale. Here, we also bargin with the drivers, and it's a lot of fun, because they get really angry, and drive liker maniacs!!!! It was kind of scary also though...We had a catering firm delivering food that wasn't as spicy, but still we felt the chili here. We were out twice at indian restaurants, and indian food is incredibly spicy!!!! In India, cows are sacred, so We haven't had beef in 3 weeks, but a lot of fish, chicken, and rice. I have never been so sick of rice before, that may be a good thing! I also have a bet going with a friend, we have bought a lot of green chili in India, and when we get back to Sund, we are going to see which one who can eat the most without drinking:-) As I said earlier, being blond in India, is a very interesting experience. Everyone looks at you, and I actually had 2 indian boys, wanting to touch my hair:-)
The flight back to Norway was one of the longest, most boring journeys of my life. I had been awake for over 24 hours when I landed in Oslo, and was caught in the security check 4 times. Still being on Indian time(4 and a half hours ahead), I was completely exhausted, and slept for like 14 hours. Today, I am still tired, so I haven't really done anything except relaxing and watching movies. Tomorrow night I am going back to Sund, can't wait to see the people from jazz, FK and football again!
All in all India is the most exiting, most amazing journey I have ever done, and I will never forget it! I am sure I could have stayed longer, to learn more about the culture down there, but in the same time, it's good to be back in winter. Although, I will definitly go back to India some day! I am also very impressed over our teachers, Janne and Merete, who actually kept up with us 24/7 for 3 weeks, they did an amazing job!
Going outside now, song of the day is actually my brother. He is, what we call 'russ' next year, and he has made the song for their bus, it's really good! TTYL:-)
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