This week, we started learning the history of photography. It's quite interesting really, but a lot of information over a very short period of time. This week will also be spent doing a 'photography maraton', which means that we have 1 assignment each day, today the assignment is inspired by the photographer Julia Margaret Cameron, I'll post the finished one tomorrow...ttyl:-)
PS: got a bit bored this weekend, and started playing with photoshop:-)
Today, I'm 20 years old! Done being a teenager! I had the best birthday waking ever! Woke up this morning and went to take a shower, and when I came out, 3 very good friends of mine was waiting for me! I haven't been this shocked in a long time, but I was also very moved that they did this for me! Love you guys so much, you made my day!
Today's worlds holocaust day, so my whole school went to a place called 'Falstad', which used to be a concentration camp during World War II. A lot of really strong impressions, it's surreal that someone can treat people this way really...
Right now, I'm sitting in the living room, doing nothing, wondering if I'm going o go swimming, in the pool, not the ocean. Today, at dinner, 90 people sang 'happy birthday', I swear my face has never been this red before, but it was very nice! TTYL:-)
Today we showed our photos from the fashion assignment! Definetly one of my better ones! It's always inspiring to hear the comments from the other students as well as the teacher, but it's when people like your photos combined with knowing that you have worked a lot on them, that really makes your day! Haven't been this satisfied in a long time, and can't wait to go back into the studio! Going in on Saturday, with Katrine as a model, can't wait, it'll be fun! Know, I'm really going to miss working in the studio over vacation, but I do want to work on setting the light, so we'll see what the results will be!
I mars, my cousin Sofie is coming up here for a weekend! Can't wait to see her again, and show her my life here! I'll see if I can get her into the studio with me!
Song of the day: Rihanna - What's my name
'Don't Worry, be Happy'
'What Lies Beneath'
torsdag 13. januar 2011
This week we started working in the studio. It's a bit difficult, but I haven't had this much fun in a long time, I love it!!!! Today, we delivered 4 photos - each with different light, I'm posting the finished photos on the bottom:-)
For the last 2 weeks, the flu has been passed around among the students, as well as some of the teachers. I'm not feeling so good myself, haven't been since tuesday, but I worked so hard on this assignment, I refused to be miss class. Today, however, I had to give up. Went to bed again at 2pm with a cold, headache, throat ache and with NO voice at all, and I am still here. Figured out it's very boring being sick at a folk college. Hopefully better tomorrow, but I'm still going to take it easy this weekend, doing as little as possible.
A good thing with all this, is that, when I'm sick or tired, I am the most creative. Got a new assignment today, in fashion! 3 photos are to be delivered next thursday, as a series. Janne told us she will look especially at the styling of the picture(model, background etc), and I have some really good ideas, can't wait! Going to bed now - TTYL:-)
PS: 'song of the day' is made by the Norwegian band Kaizers' Orchestra, the band is really worth checking out! Also posting a video made by Helene, a girl in my class. She has entered a competition, and she really deserves to win, so check out her video!
Today(Monday) we started working in the studio, can't wait! This weeks assignment is 4 pics, each with different light. Will be fun to see how it goes:-) Janne told us that she will start looking at the styling of every picture, so we have to plan every photo carefully...results will be posted on thursday
Otherwise, this week we have to finish editing india pictures, as well as handing in a description of our practis period(wednesday), which means, this will be a very stress full week, but I keep thinking that, as long as I like what I'm doing, it's okey.
The flu has been passed around the last week. I'm not feeling too good today, but hopefully it won't get any worse, I refuse to be sick, have too much to do!
It's a new year, new opportunities! Monday, I'm off to Sund again, can't wait to see people again, and get back to photographing! I have a couple of projects I really want to do this year, we'll see what happens! Yesterday, new years eve was spent with great friends, movies and lots of talking! It was great fun:-) Pictures will come later, when I've emptied the camera...