This week we started working in the studio. It's a bit difficult, but I haven't had this much fun in a long time, I love it!!!! Today, we delivered 4 photos - each with different light, I'm posting the finished photos on the bottom:-)
For the last 2 weeks, the flu has been passed around among the students, as well as some of the teachers. I'm not feeling so good myself, haven't been since tuesday, but I worked so hard on this assignment, I refused to be miss class. Today, however, I had to give up. Went to bed again at 2pm with a cold, headache, throat ache and with NO voice at all, and I am still here. Figured out it's very boring being sick at a folk college. Hopefully better tomorrow, but I'm still going to take it easy this weekend, doing as little as possible.
A good thing with all this, is that, when I'm sick or tired, I am the most creative. Got a new assignment today, in fashion! 3 photos are to be delivered next thursday, as a series. Janne told us she will look especially at the styling of the picture(model, background etc), and I have some really good ideas, can't wait! Going to bed now - TTYL:-)
PS: 'song of the day' is made by the Norwegian band Kaizers' Orchestra, the band is really worth checking out! Also posting a video made by Helene, a girl in my class. She has entered a competition, and she really deserves to win, so check out her video!

'Don't you dare'


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