And yes, apologising again for being so bad at updating. No time or inspiration these days, but anyway...
About a week and a half ago, we had a very good photographer called Kari-Anne, teaching us. She gave us an assignment that was to be delivered last Monday. The assignment was a self portrait. The photo was not to be manipulated in photoshop, it was to be taken on the lowest aperture possible, only in natural light. the photo also had to include nothing but the model, as well as tell the viewer something about the person in the photo.
This one was quite tough actually. First of all, I am not at all comfortable with photos of myself, but I chose to make this my advantage. I'm quite pleased with the result, bur I'll keep on trying. posting it on the bottom.
Monday, Janne gave us an assignment that is to be delivered on the 28th of march. minimum 3 photos in a series with the key word "art". It has taken me about a week to come up with an idea...I need to make it my own, but tomorrow I'm headed in to the studio again, can't wait!
On thursday, we had a visit from a man called Eir Jørgen Bue, who gave the class 2 assignments. 2 photos. One is to photograph the butterfly portrait lighting, and the other one is to photograph a new model on a new location. The photo has to tell a story. That day, we also had to find the photo that we were most satisfied with, scary really.
All in all, there's enogh to do these days. On Saturday we have something caleld "folkemøte". The students arrange it, we find a theme, invite people, do the advertising etc. Next week we also have s "project week". The students is arranging the whole week, we have 3 themes, several people are giving lectures, it will be a very interesting week! Friday, my cousin Sofie is coming, staying until Sunday, will be great to see her again!
Otherwise, it's been a quite weekend here. About 20 of the students went to Lofoten this weekend, coming back late tonight. We are about 20 students left here. Off to the gym now, then I have several applications to write, ttyl

Song of the day: Pink - Raise your glass