onsdag 2. mars 2011

too little too late

Last Sunday, the 27th of February, there was an article in one of the national papers(aftenposten) about a middle school in Heggedal, Akershus called "Hovedgården". The title of the article was "Endelig mobbefri skole = no mocking at last?). The article said that 4 years ago 19% of all the students answered that they were being harassed/mocked at school. The results for this year was a lot better, an a lot smaller part of the student body answered that they were being Harassed.

The principal believes that the reason is that the students has stopped hanging at the local shop during their breaks, since the school has now hired a chef and offers a warm lunch for a small amount off money, even though norwegian middle school is supposed to be free of charge. They also offer several different activities during the breaks and after school.

I went to this school during the period of 2004-2007, and I think I can say, without a doubt that it was the worst 3 years of my life. Hovedgården is a mix of the students from Solberg and Heggedal elementary school, and from the first day on it was very clear which people who wouldn't fit in, and the other students did everything they could to make sure of it, which made this place hell on earth for me.The teachers didn't do anything to stop it, they just told me that I was overreacting., and I was determined to make it through, so I 'whipped' myself through it, telling myself that it had to end eventually.

We had 4 different principals in those 3 years, none of them, except for the last one lasted more than 6 months, and the teachers were not present for a longer period at a time. The students were drinking, several were doing drugs, and no one seemed to care...
Of course, I'm happy that they have finally made it stop, but it makes me wonder, why the hell didn't they do anything earlier, why make the students go through these things for years before they actually react? Fact is, that since I left, almost all of the teachers has quit, and I can only imagine why....

I know it's not worth it, focusing on the past, but I believe that if this was taken care of a lot earlier, then it would have been a lot easier for a lot of people, but fact is that they didn't care, or "didn't" see it, they did too little, waaaay too late!

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