Not in the mood to post any pictures or videos today, I'll talk to you guys later
torsdag 30. september 2010
meet a local - part 2
I'm done with the assignment 'meet a local'. I can honestly say, I have never been more dissapointed in myself. Right now, I think it would have been better, not to turn in anything. Everyone else was positive, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't really help, when I think that the photos are really bad....I didn't have one picture today, that I was happy with, that I wanted to turn in....I know that what I want to do, is photography, and it really sucks when I can't have ONE satisfying result....
mandag 27. september 2010
A sign
Figured, I should probably give a small sign of life now. I have had a rather hectic, but yet quiet week.
Last Monday, we were given 2 assignments, one about a photographer, working within documentation or journalism. We had to deliver 3 pages about the selected photographer, and have a 10 minute presentation. No big deal really, the only problem I had, was finding the discipline to actually do the work. But it turned out quite nice actually. The second assignment is to be delivered on Thursday this week, and it's called 'meet a local'. We have to get in touch with one of the locals, and make a slide show. I will tell you on Thursday, how it turned out.
In other news, I've started training. Twice a week, I train with the volleyball team for the girls at my school, and 3 times a week, I spend about 45 minutes cycling, as well as doing push-ups and sit-ups. It has taken me 5 weeks to get myself started, and I WILL keep going! After the vacation in October, the pool opens, and I will be able to use that as well....This is not only because I want to lose a couple of kilos, but also because I need to be comfortable with myself, and at this point, I'm not.
Anyway, the sun is shining outside, and I am going to get some work done. I am working in the kitchen this week, so I don't know how much photographing I will be doing this week. On Saturday, we have something called a boy/girl party. The girls throw a party for the boys, and vice versa. The boys are responsible for the day, and the girls for the evening. It will be a lot of fun I think, pictures will come! TTYL:-)
PS: Pictures today, were taken last Friday, we had the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen!
Song of the day: Madonna - Live to tell
mandag 20. september 2010
Meet a local
First thing this time: the assignments. We got 2 of them, one that must be delivered on thursday, and one to be delivered next thursday. The one we've got this week, is the only writing assignment that we will have the entire year. We have to find a photographer, working within journalism or documentaries. On Thursday, we have to have a presentation on that photographer. I'm not really worrying about this one.
The one we have for next week, is roughly translated called 'meet a local'. We have to contact one of the people living here, spend at least 5 hours with them, and make, sort of a slide show. It's going to be a documentarien or a journalistic series. This one, I'm worrying a bit about. Kind of not very comfortable about contacting strangers, asking to take pictures of them...Guess I just have to throw myself into it, right?
This weekend, has been quiet, kind of relaxing really. On Saturday, we had a seminar. It lasted from about 10am to 2pm. A man who represented the Red Cross, came to speak to us about the work that the organization does. On Saturday night, we watched 'the lion king'. The word 'movie', is to me an excuse to eat a lot of candy....LOL. Sunday, we didn't really do anything, just sat around, playing cards all day! And of course, we took the weekly swim. The water was really nice yesterday!
In other news, I cut a fringe today:-) Or, I got a girl in my class to do it:-) Picture is coming underneath. Every time I am going to get my hair cut, I really want to do this, but I never actually do it, so this time I figured: Just jump into it. Going to get some work done now, ttyl!

Song of the day: Rihannah - Te Amo
torsdag 16. september 2010

As I said earlier this week, the project for the week was on the subject 'composition'. We had to deliver 4 photos, each showing different kind of composition, and one of the photos had to come from one of our own ideas. The assignment in itself was a lot of fun working on, and I loved that we got to show our creativity.
As I am sure I have said before, I have a rather serious shoe addiction, and if I haven't said it, well, then you know it now. Anyway, I chose to use my shoes as inspiration for this assignment, which actually turned out really well! I For the picture, where I was going to show creativity, I really wanted to use the pool, since it's empty, up until the middle of October. I wanted to turn it into a shoe store, or something like it, with a lot of colors. But I forgot ONE very important fact, to look at the weather forecast! I had an hour with Janne, my photography teacher, and she pointed out this fact, so when we checked the forecast, it of course said rain, and lots of it! I figured the light wouldn't be any good, so I sat down with a drawing book and a pen, trying to come up with a different idea, still involving the shoes. I actually came up with something, that the weather also ruined, when I tried doing it. It figures, that last night, I was kind of fed up with everything, but looking outside the window, and with help from a very good friend of mine, I got the idea to place a show on a rock by the water, showing the colors, trying to create a bit of a scary setting. Got some really cool stuff, and today, my teacher gave me credit for not giving up, which lifted my spirits several levels!
Of course, we had to swim as well, so I stood in the water, in my bathing soot, with the rain poring down my face, trying to take the picture, before I threw myself into the water, it actually wasn't so cold this time.....although, it could be because of the fact that I was already very cold....
Anyway, the pictures are coming under here, the picture on top of this blogpost, isn't one that I've taken, but a friend of mine, I just really liked it. Song of the day fits really good into the weather we've had the last couple of days, and I have a thing for Joni Mitchell. Going to dinner now, ttyl
Song of the day: Joni Mitchell - Both Sides now
Quote: 'bread without butter, is like sex without foreplay...dry - Karoline Ruderaas Albrigtsen
tirsdag 14. september 2010
This has turned into one of those kind of days, where I just want to give up. At least for the moment. The theme for this weeks photography project is composition. On thursday, we have to deliver 4 photos with different kind of composition, one of the photos has to be showing creativity/fantasy. I had a really good idea up until today. The weather forcast ruined it for me...
Right now, I'm just sitting here, trying to come up with ideas. I think I have one, but I have to find someone to pose for me, so we'll see. results will be posted on Thursday, after I have shown them to the rest of my class....
In other, a bit more happier news, I have joined the girls volleyball team at my school! Never thought I would do it, but it's a lot different when You don't get graded on how well you do things. Just playing for fun is actually working, I'm really enjoying it!
Now I am going to go drown my worries in chocolat, TTYL
Song of the day: Jamie Cullum - High & dry
fredag 10. september 2010
It's Friday, and I think, that for the first time in 3 weeks, I'm looking forward to a weekend, doing absolutely nothing! I am a bit homesick today, since we don't have school on Saturday, a lot of the students are going home for the weekend. Since I have like 8 hours by train to Oslo, there is no point in going home before the vacation in October.
Anyway, yesterday, I actually managed to fall out of the bed at 03:00 in the morning, and I woke up on the floor! Don't really know how that's possible, since I have a desk next to the head of the bed, think I must have curled up against the middle or something. Music-wise, I am kind of into jazz these days. I am completely addicted to Melody Gardot, the favorite these days is "if the stars were mine". Yesterday(Thursday) I went to a jazz concert in Straumen, at Rødbrygga, the lokale pub. There is a concert there almost every Thursday, think I will try to get there more often.
Have to get going now, posting a few pictures that I took this week, I used them in my weekly assignment about light, TTYL!
Song of the day: Melody Gardot - Baby, I'm a fool
tirsdag 7. september 2010
bit of a long day
Everyone has those days, where you just want to give up. That feeling came today. We started working with light today, and Thursday, we're supposed to hand in 3 photos, 2 with different kinds of light, and one where we just get to be creative. All in all today, I've taken around 140 photos, and then I looked at them, and the first impression was a bit difficult really. Couldn't, by the eye sight, see one picture where I thought "Oh, THIS I want to use" the night is being spent going through photos, but I think I'm going to go outside and enjoy the evening sun soon....
The next small step backwards came when I had moved all the photos over to the computer. We were told to get a RAW converter, to be able to do more work on our pictures, and I installed one last night. When I was going to use it with photoshop today, it didn't work. Spent 2 hours trying to fix it...
Going to call it a very early night tonight, ttyl:-)
Song of the day: Crowded House - Instinct
mandag 6. september 2010
week 36 = week 3
Seems like the weekend has gone by really fast this time, we had so much fun! Every Friday, we have something called 'heimekveld', where each corridor comes up with entertainment. Last Friday, the theme was 'a childs birthday party', and everyone went ALL out! We had games, childrens disco, cake etc....this week, my corridor is responsible for the entertainment, pictures will come, it will be fun, I think!
Saturday, we had school, and all the students were taken around on 'Inderøy' for a bit of sightseeing. In the evening, a lot of us went to the local pub called 'Rødbrygga', a very nice, quite small place:-) Yesterday, I figured that I would sleep in, so I got up around 11:30am, did some laundry, and worked a bit with my camera. had a very nice, kind of slow Sunday:-)
Today, Monday, we started working on photoshop, and tomorrow, we will spend the day working outside, with light. I'm kind of afraid to check the weather updates, don't really want to know until tomorrow! Sure it will be fine, I'm off to bed, good night!
PS: I would love comments o how to improve my blog:-)
Song of the day: Shakira - La Tortura
fredag 3. september 2010
Today, I've walked around like a zombie all day long. it's very tempting to take a power nap, but I know too well that I won't sleep tonight, if I do.
From Monday and on, we start following the regular schedual, and in less than 2 months we leavi for India, for 3 weeks! Can hardly wait:-) We have a different teacher on Friday, and today we were given a project that we will be working on for a few weeks. the process is being documented, but I will not post any pictures here until it's finished, but I can say that it will be a lot of fun working on it!
Weekends here are very different. We have school almost every Saturday, on each of those saturdays, there's a seminar on a different topic. Tomorrow, I think we're taking a bus tour around the area. We have every Sunday off school, and last week I made a deal with a friend, that EVERY Sunday we are going to swim outside. stay tuned, is all I can say!
This last couple of days, I've really missed knitting, so tomorrow afternoon, I think I will go into town to buy some thread...TTYL
Song of the day: Peter Gabriel - Solsburry Hill
Quote: 'Alt vi ikke fikk gjøre i barnehagen, gjør vi på folkehøgskole'
torsdag 2. september 2010
more pictures...
onsdag 1. september 2010
Got back from a 2 day-hike in the mountain today:-) The whole school left yesterday morning, around 09:30am, and drove in busses for about an hour, before we walked to a cabin, I think the walk was about 9 kilometers long or so...Yesterday everning was spent talking, playing cards etc, and last night, aroung 20 of us decided to sleep outside. It is amazing what the air does to you! Went to bed right befor 12pm, and woke up at 06:30am, and I have never been more awake! Feels great:-) Although, the short night caught up with me once we left the cabin this afternoon, and I was fast asleep on the bus within 5 minutes, and I didn't wake up until we had stopped on the parking lot.
Right now, I'm sitting in the living room, looking through some photos I've taken the last couple of days. Tomorrow, I have to deliver 4 pictures....Kind of scary, but will be fine, I guess. Every day, we also play one song from a students spotify or Itunes library. Tomorrow, it's my turn. I'm actually really looking forward to it:-)
I have to get some work done now, TTYL!
Song of the day: Amy MacDonald - Mr Rock and roll
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