First thing this time: the assignments. We got 2 of them, one that must be delivered on thursday, and one to be delivered next thursday. The one we've got this week, is the only writing assignment that we will have the entire year. We have to find a photographer, working within journalism or documentaries. On Thursday, we have to have a presentation on that photographer. I'm not really worrying about this one.
The one we have for next week, is roughly translated called 'meet a local'. We have to contact one of the people living here, spend at least 5 hours with them, and make, sort of a slide show. It's going to be a documentarien or a journalistic series. This one, I'm worrying a bit about. Kind of not very comfortable about contacting strangers, asking to take pictures of them...Guess I just have to throw myself into it, right?
This weekend, has been quiet, kind of relaxing really. On Saturday, we had a seminar. It lasted from about 10am to 2pm. A man who represented the Red Cross, came to speak to us about the work that the organization does. On Saturday night, we watched 'the lion king'. The word 'movie', is to me an excuse to eat a lot of candy....LOL. Sunday, we didn't really do anything, just sat around, playing cards all day! And of course, we took the weekly swim. The water was really nice yesterday!
In other news, I cut a fringe today:-) Or, I got a girl in my class to do it:-) Picture is coming underneath. Every time I am going to get my hair cut, I really want to do this, but I never actually do it, so this time I figured: Just jump into it. Going to get some work done now, ttyl!

Song of the day: Rihannah - Te Amo
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