As I said earlier this week, the project for the week was on the subject 'composition'. We had to deliver 4 photos, each showing different kind of composition, and one of the photos had to come from one of our own ideas. The assignment in itself was a lot of fun working on, and I loved that we got to show our creativity.
As I am sure I have said before, I have a rather serious shoe addiction, and if I haven't said it, well, then you know it now. Anyway, I chose to use my shoes as inspiration for this assignment, which actually turned out really well! I For the picture, where I was going to show creativity, I really wanted to use the pool, since it's empty, up until the middle of October. I wanted to turn it into a shoe store, or something like it, with a lot of colors. But I forgot ONE very important fact, to look at the weather forecast! I had an hour with Janne, my photography teacher, and she pointed out this fact, so when we checked the forecast, it of course said rain, and lots of it! I figured the light wouldn't be any good, so I sat down with a drawing book and a pen, trying to come up with a different idea, still involving the shoes. I actually came up with something, that the weather also ruined, when I tried doing it. It figures, that last night, I was kind of fed up with everything, but looking outside the window, and with help from a very good friend of mine, I got the idea to place a show on a rock by the water, showing the colors, trying to create a bit of a scary setting. Got some really cool stuff, and today, my teacher gave me credit for not giving up, which lifted my spirits several levels!
Of course, we had to swim as well, so I stood in the water, in my bathing soot, with the rain poring down my face, trying to take the picture, before I threw myself into the water, it actually wasn't so cold this time.....although, it could be because of the fact that I was already very cold....
Anyway, the pictures are coming under here, the picture on top of this blogpost, isn't one that I've taken, but a friend of mine, I just really liked it. Song of the day fits really good into the weather we've had the last couple of days, and I have a thing for Joni Mitchell. Going to dinner now, ttyl
Song of the day: Joni Mitchell - Both Sides now
Quote: 'bread without butter, is like sex without foreplay...dry - Karoline Ruderaas Albrigtsen
Det ble bra bilder etterhvert, selv om værgudene ikke var på din side da ;)
SvarSlettjepp:-) Tok ca 1 døgn med tanker og idemyldring da!