fredag 30. juli 2010


Hey guys!

This week has been raining away....but started working again last Wednesday, so the weather doesn't really matter, since I'm able to keep myself, I went to the pool for some training at 10am, took my bike to do some food shopping, and then walked 1 1/5 km to the bus stop to go see 'inception'. the movie was okey, but actually a bit exhausting for a Friday night, too much action for me really...

Tomorrow, we're having guests, and I'm brainstorming for dessert ideas, picture will arrive on Sunday or Monday:-)

tirsdag 27. juli 2010



I'm a bit more positive these days, 1 reason:

1. I've lost almost 7 kilos in 7 weeks!

Back in January, in my last blog 'I choose my choice', I wrote down, that one of my new years resolutions was to loose at least 10 kilos, I am on my way to happiness! My price to myself for reaching my goal weight, is a small star tattoo between my shoulders. I feel that, for me to be inspired to reach my goal, I need a price that inspires me to reach it. the results are quite inspiring as well, and when I reach my goal, I will write here, what I did to accomplish it...I suppose it will be in a couple of months, hopefully....

Anyway, I'm back after a slight melt down, tomorrow I start working again, I think the distraction will be good for me, I need to think about something else...Going to call it an early night tonight, ttyl!

Song of the day: Rihanna - Te Amo
Movie of the week: Juno

lørdag 24. juli 2010


Last night, I panicked, or at least that's what I think it was...

It was like I couldn't get enough oxygen, and I couldn't stop crying. a lot of things has been building up inside of me the last couple of days, and I haven't been able to explain it to people. this has nothing to do with not trusting my friends. it's a bit hard to explain, but mainly I don't feel that I can be myself around people my own age, and the people I feel like I can do that with, I often get really attached to(this is why I have been a basket case ever since I left Crete).

People keep telling me that next year is going to be "my year", that it's going to be so great etc...but I am terrified that I am not ready for it, that I can't make myself let go, and be the person that I need to be, why is this so hard???? In one way, I know that I need to do this, in order to grow up, and that I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't, but on the other side, I have a growing feeling that I can't do it, and that I never should have said yes to te spot...

onsdag 21. juli 2010

I'm back:-)

I'm Back, from 2 AMAZING weeks in Paleochora, Crete!

Had the best time, met the most wonderful people, and frankly, I didn't want to go back. We had 35 degrees for 2 weeks straight, a little bit windy but not too bad...

Now the fear is approaching again. In about a month, I will start a one year course at Sund folkehøgskole in Trøndelag, and I am quite afraid that I am not ready to be so far away on my own. I am going up there, without knowing anyone else, and I have never been the most outgoing person. It's kind of hard for me, meeting people, I don't always feel like I can be myself with everyone else, and I am afraid that I am not independent enough to live alone...

But, back to Crete. I met the most amazing woman, called Sarah. She's from Germany, and she has lived in Greece for 5 years. I feel like I can talk to her, just being myself, no pretending, and she doesn't judge me. Out of respect for her privacy, I won't post any picture of her in here....

Today, I'm going to go see my grandmother, and I need to do a bit of unpacking, so I will update later, ttyl!!!!!

Song of the day: Crowded house - fall at your feet
Movie of the week: Meet the Fockers

mandag 5. juli 2010



I am now 2 and a half weeks into my summer vacation. I spent 3 days in Sandefjord last week, went to the premiere of Twilight Eclipse with a few friends of mine, but after an entire night of watching all 3 of the twilight movies, I think it'll be a while before I read the books or see the movies again:-) It was really fun though, I think the third movie is the best one!!!
We didn't do much on Wednesday, the movie ended at 02,08 am, so we didn't go to bed untill 3am. I spent Thursday seeing a lot of my moms side of the family, it was really nice, haven't seen them in over a year! Friday was spent at the beach, and I am slowly building up a nice tan:-)

This weekend I haven't really got much done, I went to the mall on saturday. I was only supposed to buy a new bikini, but came home with a pair of shoes as well...typical me, I have absolutely no will power. Today(Monday), I am off to Crete for 2 weeks, so there won't be much blogging, I am not sure if I have internet access...we'll see, but a longer update will arrive when I get back!


søndag 4. juli 2010


Due to some computer trouble, I've had to delete my last blog: I choose my choice. I am now starting up again, the adress is pretty much the same, but now in past-time: i chose my choice...
A small runthrough tonight, I will be back tomorrow. I will keep blogging about my life, and several subjects that interests me, and from August and on, this blog will also contain my year at 'Sund folkehøgskole'...


Song of the day: Crowded house - don't dream it's over
movie of the week: The graduate